Uploading Layers

Managing your layer assets is simple with Opal. In the Opal UI, there is a button with the text Upload. Upon clicking, you will have the option to upload either a .zip file or a single image file from your local file storage. Opal currently supports the following file types:

  • .jpg

  • .png

  • .svg

File Naming Convention

Opal uses the name of the file to extract metadata information for the layer. Specifically, Opal extracts the fields of rarity_weighting, trait_type, and value from the filename. Thus, it is necessary that a strict file naming convention be followed.

When naming files, make sure to name them with the convention <rarity_weighting>_<trait_type>_<value>.<extension>:

  • rarity_weighting: Integer representing how a layer should be weighted in terms of frequency within the collection. For example, consider two background colors: red and blue. The rarity weighting for red is 3 while that for blue is 7. This means that, theoretically, the red background will appear in the collection 33+7=30%\frac{3}{3+7} = 30\% of the time

  • trait_type: Category for the type within the context of the collection (e.g., background, eyes, face, etc.)

  • value: Specific layer string identifier of a category within trait_type (e.g., blue, sleepy, surprised, etc.)

  • extension: Supported file extension (.jpg, .png, .svg)

Additionally, it is advised that you name the trait_type and value as you expect them to appear on user-facing platforms such as OpenSea. For example, if you want your names to be capitalized, make sure that they are capitalized in the filename.

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